Thursday 27 November 2008

Thanks everyone

in stark contrast to recent years past, I've a lot to be thankful for this year. Not that I've not been counting my blessings, but this year there have been a LOT, even though this season won't be the brightest.

I'm grateful for Obama and the way he is genuinely doing things differently while picking his cabinet and other posts. And I'm grateful, conversely, that George W. Bush is leaving office, though don't you really think he should not be taking his sweet little time?

I'm grateful for The Wire. And the BBC iPlayer.

I'm grateful that, and I never thought I'd ever say this, my father is a conservative investor, and hasn't taken too huge of a beating, so that my older sister will continue to get the fantastic care she is getting.

I'm grateful that apparently Joe the Plumber got a job.

Maybe that's because I'm grateful I've got a job too. I'm grateful Kelvin saw something in me he liked and gave me the chance to prove myself.

It's one I happen to really enjoy. Not least because I work with people who are damn good at what they do, and we are producing fantastic work. Even on the dull jobs.

I'm grateful I no longer work in DM but tell people I work in Advertising.

I'm grateful for the awesome woman who continues to love me despite my many and obvious faults. We're not without our problems, but we talk. And talk. And talk. And eventually sort them out. Which, quite frankly, is far more emotionally rewarding than if we never had difficulties at all.

I'm grateful I'm not married to Madonna.

I'm grateful for the thanksgiving wishes given to me on this day from people who come from all over the world. It's not hard to imagine what their comments would have been had the election gone the other way.

So I'm grateful for Ohio. And that sweet little really old black woman who was able to live long enough to vote a black man into office.

I'm grateful for the enthusiastic responses to being invited to Thanksgiving on Saturday, including even those who had to regrettably decline. And for reasons that should be obvious, I'm very grateful for the offers to help cook the dishes this year.

So I'm happy.

This year, I would like to give thanks not for my riches, but for who we are, our better natures, our collective humility, and what happens when we combine forces.

I have hope for our future; we may be in for hard times, but we'll get through it.

One only needs to look back at the election to see what can be accomplished when we work together.

1 comment:

Hunter said...

That's a really touching post, dude...
