Thursday 16 October 2008

The Gin Club

So tonight there's a party. Sponsored by The Gin Club, a sort of not real club of Creatives who once drank a bottle of Spanish gin one of them brought back from holiday.

Another one of them won the agency's Diamond Geezer of the Month Award (helped, I am sure, by a massive lobbying campaign), which comes with a nice £100 prize, and kindly donated all £100 to the Gin Fund. Another lobbying effort got our big chief to kick in yet another £200 to the Gin Fund.

We're moving you see, to shiner, more civilised offices on Charlotte Street, the Madison Ave of the ad industry here. (Though Char Men doesn't have quite the same ring to it.) We are losing our beloved playroom, replete with snooker table, darts, table tennis and big huge windows, and The Gin Club is having one last bash to ring out the old, not much liked Eversholt Street office.

I expect many sore heads in the morning. Mine included.


Rob said...

Charmen has an excellent ring to it

If you are selling bogroll or operas.

Hunter said...

So, Charmen could actually ensure you have an excellent ring?

BTW Mr O'B, your link to my blog doesn't work. Sniff...
